We are now into a brand new year and no doubt those of you who are considering building that dream home or renovating the one you have will have taken some time to consider exactly what you want to do.

Firstly, we wish you everything of the best and hope that all those dreams and aspirations do come true, and secondly, we thought what might help a little is a few of the design ideas for homes that top home designers are looking at in the new year. So, with great pleasure, we bring you some hot tips for Home Design trends in 2023!…

Sustainability will be an overriding consideration

These would include functional add-ons like solar power and gas geysers and stoves etc. obviously, but in terms of home design, the key initiative and a highly popular one will be the utilisation of design to allow as much light and warmth to enter the home. Skylights of many kinds and even rooftop gardens are becoming very popular choices as we also see a shrinkage of space in land sizes.

We will see some much more inventive ways to harness natural lighting too. As one top international design article from Archinomy says, “We will see furniture and light designs inspired by nature. The charm of this kind of interior design lies in merging aesthetics and functionality. Expect chandeliers inspired by grapevines, floral arrangements, tropical leaves, or a flight of birds; or furniture boasting intricate carvings showcasing natural elements.’’

Biophilic Design 

A brand new trend, for renovators and Interior Designers, so we’re told by those in the know, is Biophilic Design. Noel Gatts, Principal Designer, beam&bloom, Bloomfield, New Jersey explains it like this… “We’ll be highlighting more organic materials like plant life, woven grasses, and earthenware in décor, recognizing our innate draw to nature, fresh air, and living things. We’ve learned to appreciate the outdoors…I think we’ve found a new appreciation for the beauty, colour, and life of nature.’’

This follows hot on the heels of the trend we have spoken about before of integrating the outdoor area of the home with the indoors and this trend is ever-growing as we see smaller stands and more open-plan living and entertainment areas leading onto the garden.

Get the right construction company to do it!

As you may well know design is just one aspect of the full range of services that we provide at Davel and Lottering Construction and it forms an integral part of our ‘project cycle of services.’ Watch this space for the second part of this mini-series on more hot tips for Home Design trends in 2023, and contact us, so that this year we can assist you to make that dream home a reality!