Once again with Valentine’s Day being just around the corner, we are reminded that it is the month of romance. Love is in the air and many a young suitor will pop the question to the one he would like to share the rest of his life with. Along with that comes building a family and a family home and yet many young couples choose to find an existing home even if they can consider the option of building a new one.

If the choice is financial, well that’s fine and we would be happy to assist you with the renovations you may want to undergo to make it the home of your dreams, but truth be told there is nothing that can replace a brand-new home. Chosen, designed, planned, built and finished together, it gives a couple the dream home they really want and starts them out with a shared accomplishment that will give their marriage (excuse the pun) a very solid foundation!

There is something about taking on something of this nature that brings a couple closer in alignment with each other – or reveal areas where they need to learn to compromise with each other – a vital aspect of the success of any marriage. It’s all about sharing – and building a new home with the help of experienced, reliable construction experts to guide and work with you all the way, it’s a great shared experience.

A shared ideal
At the outset, the couple will need to find and choose the stand on which they want to build. Where they wish to stay, send their kids to school, join in the community, all are revealed at this early stage of their journey together.

Then they need to agree on the design and architecture of the home. They learn about what is important to each other – more warmth or more space? are they modern or traditional in their approach? What is their take on sustainability and to what extent will they incorporate into or practice it in their home? All these ideas and ideals reveal much and will help them to know more about each other in a very short time.

A shared responsibility
When it comes to the project itself, obviously with construction experts like Davel and Lottering, you can safely leave things in our hands, but you will both want some input all along the way. Who will take the reins in this respect? Which of you have more flair in design, décor or gardening layouts? So, you learn here to share the responsibility of getting the job done as you want it!

A shared investment
The building of a brand-new home also means the buying of a property and just as you will choose the marriage contract that will suit and protect you both, the sharing of an investment of this kind is a financial asset that will put you on equal footing and give you both pride in your input.

A shared sense of achievement
Finally, the finishing touches. Interior design, decorating, furnishings and landscaping will give the home that you have built together your unique signature and a shared sense of achievement second to none.

Start with the builders who care about family 

Davel and Lottering Construction is a family-owned business offering family values and exceptional professional service to every client; delivering beyond expectations every time.

Contact us right away to make 2022 the year that you will create your shared masterpiece – your brand-new home!

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